Spiritual Perfectionism
Perfectionism: a refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.
I think there is a skewed idea in most religions and spiritual paths that as you are NOW is for some reason tainted. It is not allowed, and further unworthy of love. That if you don’t clean your act up, do it all perfect, pray and take communion God will treat you like the left over lasagna that no one feels like eating because its been in the fridge too long.
How do we exist in this paradoxical journey towards God? Where one day, let go and let god and the next we need to think positive, pray correctly and do a certain amount of downward dogs to feel at one with our creator.
Its downright confusing and because of that I am here with a message of relief. Perfectionism is only in the mind of the beholder, it was never in the mind of God. We use our ego thinking to micromanage and analyze the pure radiant and with out judgment God. By doing this we continue to put ourselves in rabbit hole after rabbit hole of labels and constructs to mentally understand something that was never meant to be understood but felt.
There is a very minuet difference between understanding and experiencing. It is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. It is the difference between embodying and pretending. They are not without each other but they are not the same.
Although these rabbit holes of religion or spiritual text can sometimes be a distraction from what is, there is no mistakes in Gods world. Their purpose is to act as pointers in the right medicinal concoction to take you to where you need to go, which may never make sense or may not look like someone close to you.
I believe that our spiritual path (s) finds us. We may think we went out and looked for it, or did the research but it has always been there. There are parts of our journey as human beings that are absolutely out of our control and none of our business. How we find God, is one of them.
So today, if you’re struggling with which way to turn, which temple or scripture to read. Lay your heavy head down and trust it will find you. Maybe it already has, and maybe there is a twist and turn happening amidst the chaos that will make sense eventually. The universe is beautifully designed to bring you to God on your perfect timing and when that happens you will understand that you had very little to do with it.
Arielle Rush
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